About Us
Our main activity is to develop robotic, ai based image guided electro-mechanic-magnetic surgical devices and systems.
We are thrilled to announce that as a startup company, made first patent application “Brain Surgery Robotic Guided Automatic Non-Contact Patient Recognition Navigation System and Procedures” so our R&D project completed with a prototype and will advance to the next phase: clinical trials.
Robotic AI Based Automatic Non-Contact Surgical Navigation
We’re pleased to announce that our new project “Development of Robotically Assisted Neuronavigation Systems Including Artificial Intelligence Based Image Processed Surgical Operating Microscope Called New Generation Portable Robotic Exoscope” entitled to be supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of TÜRKİYE – 1501 Industrial R&D Projects Grant Programme
Pre-Surgical Planning
- image scanning – MRI / CT DICOM Files
- identify targets – AI Guided Brain Tumor Segmantation with layers

Position Tracking of Instruments and Targets:
- Optic Camera Controlled
- Electromagnetic Controlled
- Hybrid (Optic & EM)
Automatic registration

Intra-operative navigation

Imaging in AR-Mixed Reality Env

EGE DTECH Commercialization Program 2024
“Robotic Artificial Intelligence Based Brain, Spine, Orthopedic Surgical Navigation System” in Ege D-Tech Incubation Program is accepted. The Deep Technology Incubation Center (Ege D-Tech) Project, run by Ege Teknopark, is carried out within the framework of the Competitive Sectors Programme (RSP), co-financed by the Republic of Türkiye and the European Union.

TÜBİTAK 1501 Programme 2022 - 2024
Robotic AI Based Automatic Non-Contact Surgical Navigation
TÜBİTAK 1507 Programme 2022
"Electro-Mechanic Growing Rods For Spinal Disorders (EOS Scoliosis) Treatment and Distraction of Bones"
The Robigem extending rod will be one of the first products of the next generation growing rods. The reason is that the Robigem electromechanical growing rod has an easy-to-use external power system operates the mechanism, unlike those used so far. The second, it has an intraoperative rod tension sensor system that measures the mechanical tension. Thus, for early stage scoliosis patients, rod device software will be able to simulate the amount of the load applied on the growing rod versus along with the development of the spine as the patient gets older. So, this system can be defined as an early stage warning system before in case of any problem affecting running of the rod mechanism.
We progress on schedule to declared to Tubitak, after we complete our important stages related with progress of the project we will informed the potential users and people interested with our projects periodically.
Contact Us
DEPARK Teknopark Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İnciraltı Yerleşkesi Mithatpaşa Cad. Morfoloji, No:56/20 K4, 35330 Balçova
Izmir / TURKEY